these mummies are individually nicknamed 'fayum mummy portraits', or portrait mummies of the faiyum basin, an area west of the nile where they are most commonly found. from a

want to scare everyone as a mummy this halloween? it is really easy to make a great costume from simple items that you might have lying around the house, or purchase one cheaply

not only serving the current medicine on human body but ct scan technology is also being applied by egyptian archaeologists on mummies and discovering unexpectedly interesting

the bermuda triangle, the mysterious sound of julia, a strange object lying on the baltic sea ... are some of the uncrypted mysteries of the famous seas around the world that cause

the corpses that remain intact after hundreds or even thousands of years are still mysteriously unable to find the answers of scientists.

a group of european researchers found tattoos on two mummies at the british museum. in an article published in the journal of archaeological science, the team describes their

an egyptian and russian archaeological mission operating in deir al-banat area of governor fayoum's qalmasha discovered a wooden coffin with mummies dating from the greek-roman

a group of korean archaeologists have found the mummy of a man dressed in chinese clothes in an estimated tomb dating to about 2,000 years in western mongolia.

a series of mummified vase-like artifacts were found by a research team when excavated at ipi's grave (tt 315) at deir el-bahari in luxor. ipi is an ancient egyptian prime

interesting facts about mummies such as: pharaoh ramesses ii mummy is granted a passport, monks self-mummify themselves, mummies contain a deadly curse, ... not only surprised many

so far, archaeologists have made many important discoveries about ancient egypt: tombs, mummies, pyramids, inventions before time ... around them there are always mysteries.