The Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious sound of Julia, a strange object lying on the Baltic Sea . are some of the uncrypted mysteries of the famous seas around the world that cause scientists a headache. Research for many years.

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The Bermuda triangle is located in the western Atlantic Ocean, where many ships and aircraft are mysteriously missing.

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It is estimated that there were 8,127 people missing in the Bermuda triangle.So far, this mystery of "death" waters is still one of the most famous mysteries not yet deciphered in the world.

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In 1999, experts recorded the mysterious sound of Julia in the ocean.At first, they assumed it was the sound of moving an iceberg.

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But later, some experts believe that the mysterious sound is that of a deep-sea monster not yet known.So far, the mystery of mysterious sounds named Julia has yet to be explained.

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In 2016, the body of a German man named Manfred Fritz Bajorat was found in a sitting position at the table, resting his head on his arms like sleeping in a drifting yacht near Barabo, Philippines.Manfred's body was not decomposed but was "naturally embalmed" by hot temperatures, dry sea breeze and salty air.

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When discovered, Bajorat died more than 4 days but it is hard to believe that this yacht has traveled around for about 20 years.The mysteries of the boat as well as the Bajorat adventurer death are still open since then.

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In 2011, an expedition team discovered a strange object that resembles a spacecraft located 75 meters deep on the bottom of the Baltic Sea during the hunt for a wreck.This strange object has a round shape with a diameter of up to 60m, 4m thick, on the surface there are many grooves and has 2 ladder-like structures leading up.

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This mysterious object has a similar shape to the Millennium Falcon spaceship in the movie "Star Wars".When the expedition team approached, devices such as satellite phones, cameras . were turned off and only operated again when away from 200m.Scientists have come up with a lot of hypotheses to explain it but have no concrete evidence.

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On April 18, 2007, the Kaz II ship, also known as the "ghost yacht" was found trapped off Australia's north in a situation where food was still intact on the table, the computer was open, engine still running but absolutely no trace of human.Authorities embarked on an investigation into the mysterious disappearance of people on board, but so far, it remains one of the largest maritime mysteries in history.

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  2. 10 inexplicable mysterious scientific sounds