Marvel at the mummy photos analyzed under modern CT Scan technology

Not only serving the current medicine on human body but CT Scan technology is also being applied by Egyptian archaeologists on mummies and discovering unexpectedly interesting facts.

Not only serving the current medicine on human body but CT Scan technology is also being applied by Egyptian archaeologists on mummies and discovering unexpectedly interesting facts.

Marvel at the mummy photos analyzed under modern CT Scan technology Picture 1Marvel at the mummy photos analyzed under modern CT Scan technology Picture 1

The application of CT Scan technology on mummies is a new experiment from the anthropologist and Egyptologist Stephanie Zesch of the Engelhorn Reiss Museum in Mannheim, Germany.

The mummy that the scientific team implements using modern CT Scan technology is the mummy of an Egyptian child. The results from CT Scan technology and archaeological analysis showed that this child died when he was about 4-5 years old. When archaeological carbon isotope analysis, the results show that this child lived in the Ptolemaic period between 378 - 235 BC.

And below is a series of annotated photos that CT Scan technology recorded:

Marvel at the mummy photos analyzed under modern CT Scan technology Picture 2Marvel at the mummy photos analyzed under modern CT Scan technology Picture 2

  1. Figure A: model to recreate the skull and teeth of the mummy.
  2. Figure B: The chest of the child is stifled, possibly due to being punched from the outside.
  3. Figure C: A lot of crack lines appear on the leg bone of a young mummy.
  4. Figure D: a large liver and small shrunken heart by an effective progressive visceral marrow technique

Egyptologist Stephanie Zesch and his team suggest that the method of analyzing mummies through modern CT Scan technology now works really well, not unlike other advanced archaeological analysis methods, contributing to shortening time, secret decoding of mummies at a more advanced peak.

Huynh Dung ( According to Sciencenews)

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