a combination of hydrogel (water gel) and aerogel (gas gel), this material can hold objects colder for up to 5 times longer than similar materials.

if the ambu ball is squeezed by hand, the medical staff will have to sit constantly next to them. the ball also needs to be squeezed millions of times, each time it must be the

mit engineers have built a device that can capture and separate carbon dioxide while using very little energy.

m-blocks 2.0 can also move along other blocks, climb or climb down and even jump up.

turn your selfie photos into ghostly old portraits, post on facebook and make your friends admire.

this is a great loss for not only fernando 'corby' corbató's family and friends, but also technology lovers around the world.

the current selfie camera system on the smartphone, even if it is of quality, contains an uncomfortable weakness that cannot be overcome, it is impossible to preserve the exact

creating unmanned vehicles capable of reasoning and handling human-like situations is one of the most important and long-term goals of leading companies in the field of

the worldwide manufacturing and distribution project of mit's $ 100 laptop has a tremendous breakthrough, when three giants are google, red hat, and amd agreed to spend a total of

share from desmond lim - a former entrepreneur who decided to leave a good job and a high salary to return to harvard and mit to graduate school and for him, this decision has

mit, one of the most influential artificial intelligence research organizations in the united states, will participate in an important project, in order to develop programs to

deep learning systems work by selecting statistical patterns in data - that's how they interpret their own worldview. however, this method of statistical learning requires a large