it is a system of common connection standards developed and regulated by an international organization called ieee.
yesterday (may 29, 2019), the institute of electrical and electronics engineers (ieee) informed about 200 scientific journals that huawei employees could continue to serve on the
wifi - wireless network, has now played a very important role in our daily life, work and entertainment. but to fully understand the meaning of wifi, what do we need to know?
ieee has recently begun the first steps to vote on improving wi-fi standards implemented in two years.
why should you care about ieee 802.11ax? please join to find out the draft ieee 802.11ax standard for scope, throughput and stability in this article!
if using a unix or unix-style operating system, we need to understand the most basic file-level security management methods.
the most important point of the file-level security process on unix systems is to limit the file access license as much as possible.
the institute of electrical and electronics engineers (ieee) has just passed the ieee 1394-2008 standard, a new version of firewire for connecting pcs to digital video devices and
the demand for skilled developers of data science continues to increase. if you want to work in this area, these are the things you need to learn.