take a look at this article to be ready to deal with 17 situations that can be encountered in life and equip yourself with important skills to confidently respond to unpredictable

columbia university researchers reversed memory loss in old age by increasing the level of osteocalcin in the blood, which is a hormone made by bone cells.

newborn babies whose mothers take aspirin during pregnancy may double the risk of cerebral palsy, according to a new finding.

artificial ovarian transplantation can be a safer, natural, and more effective option in menopausal women who face hot flashes, sleep problems, and weight gain. and bone

a study warns that women who use hormonal birth control pills (hormonal birth control pills), including regular birth control pills, also have an increased risk of breast cancer.

two scientists have identified two proteins that can help diagnose autism disorder (asd), especially in boys, with an accuracy of up to 82%.

a new study found postmenopausal women at the highest risk of fracture can be overcome from hormone therapy.

a new study shows that men with high levels of testosterone can be more confident, easily reflect faster through intuitive, extremely good judgment.