the following series of photos will show you there are cases of children who are just like the youthful version of their parents, not only inheriting all the beauty but also the

the results published in aging ny confirm that many genetic variants - not one, are likely to affect human lifespan.

mosquitoes are annoying and can even be deadly. they spread disease, through blood sucking. now, an international team of scientists has looked at genes that cause this behavior

a recent scientific study has shown that children's intelligence is inherited from the mother, not from both parents.

nearly 80 percent of the risk of schizophrenia may have genetic resources from parents, scientists found.

using genetics, ucla biologists participating in the genoscape project are racing against time to find the ability to adapt and the best way to protect vulnerable bird groups.

scientists have discovered a new frog with orange streaks on its feet, and named after american filmmaker stanley kubrick, who famously directed the blockbuster 'a clockwork orange

genetics plays a strong role in discovering the environment visually by studying the eye movements of twins.

a new study suggests that genes and genetics may play a role in predicting a person's long-term risk of fracture.

a new type of cartilage made from stem cells via bioprinter 3d technology that supports treatment for newly launched knee surgery receives the attention of the medical community.

a new study found postmenopausal women at the highest risk of fracture can be overcome from hormone therapy.