Search results: firefox os

in addition to the usual operating systems such as windows, mac os or linux, there are many other operating systems suitable for many different uses. here are 8 interesting

chrome web browser is more appreciated than firefox when used on pc, but when used on android devices, chrome makes users a little disappointed. in addition to the benefits of

according to shareholic statistics about the market share of web browsers in the world, the top of the list is still google's chrome browser, but the most remarkable thing is the

according to gsmarena, mozilla has partnered with spreadtrum to pursue plans to release smartphones running firefox os for a retail price of $ 25 (about 550,000 dong).

mozilla has just officially released firefox os simulator 3.0, making it easy for users to experience the firefox os platform directly on the web.

mozilla has just said it will cancel the decision to suspend all work with the 64-bit version of firefox for the main reason, due to criticism from consumers.