• How to Create a Benefit Concert Series

    How to Create a Benefit Concert Series
    hosting a benefit concert series for your cause is one of the easiest and most rewarding methods of raising money. not only will you build local awareness and gain support for your
  • How to Promote a Concert

    How to Promote a Concert
    concert promoters are responsible for the most important element of any concert: the audience. every element of a concert can be within the purview of a concert promoter, but
  • How to Get Front Row at a Concert

    How to Get Front Row at a Concert
    the front row at a concert is a coveted spot and if you want to be up there, you'll need to be resourceful and determined. if a concert has assigned seating, you'll need to be on
  • How to Attend a Concert

    How to Attend a Concert
    many people choose to attend concerts to hear their favorite bands. follow these tips, and avoid the annoying (and even dangerous) mistakes many concert-goers make. begin by
  • How to Go to a Concert if You Are a Teenager

    How to Go to a Concert if You Are a Teenager
    going to concerts and live performances is a lot of fun, but the concert experience can be daunting or overwhelming for younger attendees. as a teen, you'll want to prepare for the
  • How to Ask Your Parents to Let You Go to a Concert

    How to Ask Your Parents to Let You Go to a Concert
    finding a fun concert with an artist or group you love is easy; convincing your parents to let you go is the difficult part. when you ask for permission, be prepared to compromise.