batch processing with batch files (batch jobs) and recently using windows scripts (.wsf) are the top choice for network administrators, to increase productivity in a dark way. the

in this article we will show you some third-party modules in case you implement a less-used eap type that windows itself does not support.

to connect from a pc to a mac, you will need to install vnc client in windows vista. there are a number of free clients to choose from, one of which is tightvnc.

in this article we will show you how to share files between two mac and pc systems.

normally, under the hands of well-trained users, a properly configured mac computer will not have many security risks.

a computer network is a system of multiple computers and devices connected by a physical link to a certain architecture (network architecture) to collect, exchange data and share

directaccess has a lot of features that make many users confused with vpns, but the fact that directaccess is not the same as vpn. so how to distinguish the differences between

in this article we will show you how to configure windows 2000 / xp / 2003 computers to block ping packets.

welcome to the test series of tipsmake.com with topics related to the fields of information technology. and this time we will continue with a little test of computer networks,

computer network is a group of computer devices connected to each other through twisted cables, electromagnetic waves ... to share data for each other. today day computer networks

the network administrator would like to send you a series of multiple choice questions on the computer network so you can consult and test your knowledge.

computer network is a group of computers and peripheral devices connected together through transmission media such as twisted cable, optical cable, electromagnetic wave, infrared

with the continuous development of technology, the use of wireless networks is becoming more and more popular. however, connecting to the internet using wi-fi is not always easy,

in the following article, please join us to explore this topic through multiple choice questions.

today network administrator will give you reading multiple choice questions around the topic of databases, with certain questions below you will have more useful knowledge.

in the following article, readers will continue to answer multiple choice questions on computer network topics.

in addition to the above definition, computer networks also have extremely interesting things that you can learn through the following test of network administrator.

continuing the series of articles about computer networks, readers in this article will be provided with useful knowledge about this issue.

after the questions of part 3, network administrator would like to introduce you to part 4.

in the following article, readers will have the opportunity to test their knowledge of ethernet network with an extremely interesting set of multiple choice questions.