Tests on computer networks with answers - Part 6
In the following article, please join us to explore this topic through multiple choice questions.
- 1. In the following models, which model is the most commonly used network model today:
- Peer - to -Peer
- RemoteAccess
- Terminal -Mainframe
- Client - Server
- 2. DNS network service used to:
Addressing the workstations
- Resolution name and address
- Transfer files and data
- Send emails
- 3. DHCP protocol can provide the following parameters for client workstations:
- IPAddress
- SubnetMask
- DNSServer
- DefaultGateway
- 4. A C class subnet lends 2 bits to divide the Subnet, the Subnet Mask will be:
- 255,224.0
- (because: 110000002 = 192)
- 5. How many bits of IPv6 address?
- 32
- 48
sixty four
- 128
- 6. Which network devices reduce collisions?
- Hub
- Switch
- Transceiver
- 7. MAC address is:
- The layer 3 address is processed by the Router for routing
Class 4 address is attached to the service port
- Can be changed with Windows TCP / IP Properties
Layer 2 addresses are hardened to the Network Card
- 8. Among the following operating systems, the network operating system is:
- Windows 98
- Windows 2003 Professional
- Windows 2003 Server
- Windows XP
- 9. SMTP network service used to:
- Send emails
- Receive email
- Resolving names and addresses
Addressing the workstation
- 10. Static routing is a routing type:
- Used for small networks with simple structure
Administrators simply configure the Router routing protocol
- The administrator must configure each command line for the necessary destination networks
- The router can help select the shortest path on the network
- 11. Among the following service and protocol pairs, which pair is correct:
- SMTP: TCP Port 21
Telnet: UDP Port 23
- HTTP: TCP Port80
- TFTP: TCP Port69
- 12. To resolve the IP address into a MAC address, use the protocol:
- 13. Routing capability is implemented by the device:
- Switch
- Hub
- Router
- 14. Which dial-up services use the device to convert digital signals to analog signals?
- Repeater
- Modem
- Router
- 15. Which service allows host reference by name instead of using IP address when browsing the Internet?
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