• How to Fuel a Race Car

    How to Fuel a Race Car
    most race cars do not carry enough fuel to complete a race from start to finish. they must return to the pit area for more fuel, which is commonly called a pit stop. during the pit
  • How to Execute HTTP POST Requests in Android

    How to Execute HTTP POST Requests in Android
    http post is part of a deprecated http classes like org.apache.http and androidhttpclient as of android 5.1.https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-5.1.html#http
  • Stop eating food from sharks if you don't want to lose your mind

    Stop eating food from sharks if you don't want to lose your mind
    as one of the foods that are widely consumed especially in asia, shark fins and tendons are potentially a common dementia called alzheimer's, which is extremely dangerous for