Speed ​​test to 'check' the health of the hard drive

The speed of the hard drive is decidedly in part to the speed of the whole system. So you want to know how fast the hard drive you are using, what errors are there or not ...? HD Speed ​​will help you get the answer.

The speed of the hard drive is decidedly in part to the speed of the whole system. So you want to know how fast the hard drive you are using, what errors are there or not .? HD Speed ​​will help you get the answer.

Hard drives are important components on computers. Not only is the user data storage component, the hard drive also stores data of the entire system.

If the hard drive fails, the user's important data may be lost. Not only that, if the hard drive has a problem, failing to achieve the highest read / write speed will make the system sluggish, affecting performance.

In addition, in case you buy a new hard drive or buy an old hard drive, checking the read / write speed of the hard drive is a matter of concern, to ensure the hard drive I intend to buy is stable and working productivity.

HD Speed ​​is a free tool that allows you to perform tests to determine the read / write speed of your hard drive. In addition, the software also allows detection of errors encountered on the hard drive if available.

Download the free software here.

After downloading, unzip and activate HD_Speed.exe file for immediate use without installation.

From the main interface, the software will list the drives and drive partitions available on the system in the Drive section.

In some cases, your hard drive is not listed on this list. If you encounter this situation, you click on the small blue shield icon next to Drive , the software will automatically restart and list the full partition of the hard drive.

Picture 1 of Speed ​​test to 'check' the health of the hard drive

You can choose to have the software check the speed for all hard drives, or specific partitions.

In the Mode section, select the mode to conduct the test. The software provides speed test modes, including: Write speed, Read speed, Read and Write speed, and speed for reading, writing and re-checking data. ( Read + Write + Verify ).

Note: with the write speed test option, the software will erase all data on the hard drive. Therefore, you should only choose to check the read speed (Read).

In the case of buying a new hard drive or buying an old hard drive, you should choose the fourth test mode to check the most comprehensive hard drive speed. However, this mode will take you a long time to wait.

Picture 2 of Speed ​​test to 'check' the health of the hard drive

In the Block Size section, is the amount of software that the software will require to read / write to the hard drive. You should proceed with the test gradually with increased Block Size capacity to get the best test results. You should choose the Auto default so that the software automatically changes the Block Size during the test.

The Duration section allows you to specify the amount of time the software will use to perform the test. If you do not specify a time period, the software will conduct the test forever.

Depending on the capacity of the hard drive, you set the time accordingly. However, you should leave the time level at about 10 minutes.

Finally, press the Start button to check the hard drive speed.

The speed of the hard drive will be displayed in detail in numbers and charts. Based on this, you will know the current and average reading speeds of the test process.

Picture 3 of Speed ​​test to 'check' the health of the hard drive

Normally, the read speed of the hard drive will be quite fast at the beginning of the test process, but then slow down.

After the checkout process has finished (the end of the time you set), the final result will display in the Average frame. Based on this information, you will know the read speed of the hard drive, thereby knowing the status of the hard drive.

Not only that, if there is an error on the hard drive, the software will list the number of errors in the Errors section so that the user is clear, from which there are measures to back up important data, in case of a bad case can occur.

Update 26 May 2019


Mac OS X



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