Record the lyrics to the Windows Media Player window

With Windows Media Player, you can show lyrics of the song to Windows Media Player window like you sing karaoke in the following way.

With Windows Media Player, you can show lyrics of songs to Windows Media Player window just like you would sing karaoke in the following way :

You run Windows Media Player, right-click on the toolbar, select Play > Lyrics, Captions, and Subtitles > On if Available .

Picture 1 of Record the lyrics to the Windows Media Player window

Next, go to the library, create a new Playlists by clicking Create Playlists . Add songs to the created playlists, select and right-click the song, select Advanced Tag Editor > Lyrics > Add .

Picture 2 of Record the lyrics to the Windows Media Player window

The Language section does not select anything, but in the Text section you type the lyrics into it.

Picture 3 of Record the lyrics to the Windows Media Player window

Next choose to Synchronized Lyrics , then click OK .

Picture 4 of Record the lyrics to the Windows Media Player window

This is the result you get (done on Windows Media Player 11)

Picture 5 of Record the lyrics to the Windows Media Player window

Bui Anh Tuan

Update 24 May 2019


Mac OS X



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