List of links to download BIOS updates for Meltdown and Specter

Device manufacturers and motherboards have also begun to integrate those patches into their BIOS / UEFI updates.

This article is in the series: Overview of vulnerabilities on Intel, AMD, ARM chips: Meltdown and Specter. Please read all the articles in the series to get information as well as take steps to protect your device against these two serious security holes.

When Intel, AMD and other CPU makers began releasing microcode (firmware) updates for their products affected by two serious Meltdown and Specter security vulnerabilities, device manufacturers and The motherboard has also begun to integrate those patches into its BIOS / UEFI update.

Although not all of them offer the necessary patch right away, most promise to update in the next few months. OS-level software patches can significantly reduce Meltdown's impact, but both the Microsoft and Linux communities say that it is necessary to fix the firmware to fix Specter.

Below is a link to each device vendor to download BIOS / UEFI updates if your computer, laptop, notebook uses the CPU on the affected list.

AcerAcer only lists the list of affected computers, notebooks and servers. They said they will update the firmware for server products in March, desktops and laptops have no plans yet: ASRock ASRock's page is hard to follow. Without a separate security recommendation page, users must visit Latest BIOS Update page, there are many BIOS updates here: ASUS ASUS said it will release BIOS updates for affected products at the end of January: Dell BIOS updates are available for some Dell desktop, notebook and server products. The security recommendation page also has some links to many other products. This page is like a central page to find what you need: Fujitsu Update BIOS is only available for some products. The security recommendation page also has many links to other products: Gigabyte The motherboard vendor Gigabyte has released a BIOS update. Users find the motherboard series name in the list and check for updates on individual product pages: HP Nearly half of HP products are in the affected list with BIOS updates available: Huawei Huawei only lists affected product lists, saying that they are "still studying": Intel Intel has updated for most NUC, Computer Stick and Compute Card products: Lenovo Lenovo has the best security recommendation page with a detailed table of affected products, with download link and future BIOS downloads: LG

There is currently no recommendation page about LG's Meltdown and Specter.


Panasonic said it will release BIOS updates for affected PCs from the end of the month until February and March:

Microsoft Updated UEFI for Surface: Issued BIOS update: https: // BIOS / UEFI not updated, only list the affected product and the estimated release time: support / viewContentDetail? contentId = 4015952Vote There are some BIOS updates:

See more:

  1. Why Intel killed the BIOS, switched to UEFI?
  2. Instructions for upgrading BIOS
  3. How to know if your Windows computer is affected by Meltdown and Specter?
Update 24 May 2019


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