AMD released a firmware update for Specter to fix the vulnerability on the CPU

AMD has allowed users to update the firmware for Ryzen and EPYC this week.

This article is in the series: Overview of vulnerabilities on Intel, AMD, ARM chips: Meltdown and Specter. Please read all the articles in the series to get information as well as take steps to protect your device against these two serious security holes.

AMD's first response to CPU vulnerabilities in Meltdown and Specter is to say 'almost zero-risk' on AMD processors'. But that does not mean that these chips are not affected.

'We are taking the necessary steps, combining microcode updates and OS patches to help AMD customers and partners reduce the impact,' said Mark Papermaster, AMD CTO. .

AMD has allowed users to update the firmware for Ryzen and EPYC this week, with older processors being updated 'in the coming weeks'. As with Intel, firmware updates will be provided to PC vendors and will depend on whether the user has received the update or not.

AMD released a firmware update for Specter to fix the vulnerability on the CPU Picture 1AMD released a firmware update for Specter to fix the vulnerability on the CPU Picture 1
Specter is available on all Intel, AMD, and ARM processors and has a much deeper impact on Meltdown

AMD did not say whether updates would affect the machine speed, as well as if servers using EPYS processors were heavily affected.

AMD tried to avoid being the focus of Meltdown and Specter, as their processor didn't have Meltdown errors. Although Specter variant 2 is also forcing suppliers to quickly update the firmware. According to Intel, they will try to fix this error for 90% of processors manufactured in the last 5 years before January 15.

AMD also revealed that the Radeon GPU architecture is not affected by Meltdown and Specter. Along with the release of copies and security, AMD will also gradually make official statements.

We still have to wait for news from Apple to see if they have firmware updates for iOS and Mac devices. Android is even more complicated because there are many devices running this OS.

  1. Intel will fix Meltdown and Specter over 90% of new products within 1 week
  2. How to protect the computer against Meltdown vulnerability on CPU?
  3. How slow is Meltdown and Specter, which is Microsoft's explanation
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