Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

The following article guides you to record the Windows 7 computer screen without wanting to install any supporting software.

Currently returning to the computer screen is not too difficult because there is a lot of software that supports returning to the screen. But most software charges, if you do not buy the copyright, when you record, record the screen will display the logo of that software.

Therefore, you want to return to the operation on the Windows 7 computer screen without wanting to install any supporting software.

The following article guides you to record the Windows 7 computer screen without software.

Step 1: Click the Start Menu and enter the keyword Record steps to reproduce in the Search programs and files box and open the Record steps to reproduce a problem .

Picture 1 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

Or you press Windows + R key combination and enter the command psr and click OK .

Picture 2 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

Step 2: On the computer, the Problem Steps Recorder dialog box will appear , click Start Record or Alt + A to start recording.

Picture 3 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

Step 3: While returning to the screen operation, between each operation you can click Add Comment to add notes for that operation.

Picture 4 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

Highlight Problem and Comment dialog box appears, enter the content of the note and click OK to complete.

Picture 5 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

Step 4: After the recording is complete, press Stop Record (or press Alt + O ).

Picture 6 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

The Save As dialog box appears, select the folder containing the file, enter the file name in the File name and select Save to save.

Picture 7 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

The file is saved in .Zip format when you extract it will be a Problem file with the date and time you recorded. The Problem file format is .mht this is a type of web format. You can view with Word with each image in Word is an operation that you just recorded.

Picture 8 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

You can also watch it as a slide show.

Picture 9 of Instructions to record screen video on Windows 7 without software

Very simple, you can return to the computer screen without using the software. Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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