Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

Windows Xp operating system is gradually becoming more and more popular and is used by many people. In Windows Xp, there are quite a lot of good utilities, but not everyone can exploit them all.

Windows Xp operating system is gradually becoming more and more popular and is used by many people. In Windows Xp, there are quite a lot of good utilities, but not everyone can exploit them all.

1. Driver verifier: Have you ever wondered if the installed drivers worked really well? That it is an old or new version? If the new version is about to install, is it as stable as the old version? If you are not sure, please use this utility in WINDOWS Xp Professional
How to do it: Go to Start -> Run, at the Open window type: Verifier
The Driver Verifier Manager table appears: (Figure 1)

Picture 1 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

Then select 1 of 5 settings you want to check
You don't need to care about creating Custom Custom (for code developers) unless you are the driver creator and want to test it.
Otherwise, select: Create standard settings when ready, Click Next.
- Automatically select unsigned drivers: Automatically check for unrecognized Drivers
- Automatically select drivers built for older versions of Windows: Automatically check the Driver created for the older version (compared to the current version) of Windows
- Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer: Automatically check all installed drivers on the device
- Select drivers names from a list: Select the driver in the list (Figure 2)
Picture 2 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP


Finally, the display list corresponds to the above option (Figure 3). Here is a list of unrecognized Drivers (unsigned).
Picture 3 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

- Note: For WINDOWS Xp Service Pack 1 operating system, the implementation may not boot into Windows because the Driver conflicts. In this case, you will overcome the following:
· RESTART re-machine
· An F8 key when requested -> A list appears, select: LAST KNOWN GOOD on that list
Restarting WINDOWS will return to normal

2. System file checker (SFC): This is a great utility available in Windows Xp professional. Whenever you want to check installed files. Wondering if those files and folders don't work well? Or when the machine has problems with files for some reason. Then apply this utility. The work of SFC is to review and replace corrupted files, errors .
Most files that SFC checks are EXE, DLL, TTF, SYS, FON .
Note: In fact, this is a process to compare the existing file with the original file in the Windows XP installation disc, so you need to insert it when the file scanning process starts.
Go to Start -> Run type: cmd.
The ugly and ugly blackboard appears and you type: SFC into the quotes
A list appears:
/ SCANNOW Scan all system files immediately.
/ SCANONCE Scan all system files at the next boot.
/ SCANBOOT Scan all system files every time you start your computer.
/ REVERT Bring the scanning process to the default format.
/ PURGECACHE Purifying CACHE files
/ CACHESIZE = x Resize the CACHE file

You select 1 corresponding item. For example:
C:> sfc / scannow
(Now need to insert the Windows Xp installation disc)
The WINDOWS FILE PROTECTION table appears (Figure 4) the progress of checking the start file. When the file, folder is malfunctioned, SFC is responsible for finding and replacing
Picture 4 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

3. Backup - Restore: Archive - restore
Copying files to your computer is extremely important, it can be said that it is indispensable by all your important files for a reason that will . 'melt into bubbles'. At that time, I cried badly and laughed.

You can use a lot of software for effective copying (Popularly Norton Ghost 2003). But if you do not have or have mastered Norton ghost 2003, you can use the recovery archiving function available right away. Windows Xp Professional

A. Backup: Create recovery file (Backup) when the system malfunctions.
Note: To do this, you must log in as Administrator or you must be the owner of the files and folders you want to store (Backup).
Start -> Program -> Accessories -> System tools -> Backup -> Next
The Backup or Restore winzard panel appears (Figure 5).
Picture 5 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

Select Back up files and settings -> Next (Figure 5)
Select the Items you want to Backup in What to Back Up and click Next (Figure 6)
Picture 6 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

You need to select the drive containing the Backup file by clicking Browse (the program is always the default drive A).
Part: Type a name for this backup - name the BACKUP file
Click Next -> Finish to start performing the backup file creation (Figure 7).
Picture 7 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

When you have problems with this file or folder you want to 'extract' this backup file back to you as follows:
Start -> Program -> Accessories -> System tools -> Backup -> Next
In the Backup or Restore panel (Figure 5) select: Restore files and settings.
You find the temple where 'take' the BACKUP file, then click NEXT to restore
B. Restore: Restore the system at a preset time or the latest time. To do this, you must make sure that the SYSTEM RESTORE is active
Go to Start -> Program -> Accessories -> System tool -> System Restore (Figure 8)
Picture 8 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

Select Create a restore point: Mark the recovery time
Click Next to continue:
Picture 9 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP


Restore 1 desciption: Restore point desciption, the purpose is to mark the time of recovery (Figure 9).

Done, click Home to return to the original System Restore table
Select Restore my computer to an earlier time -> Next
Picture 10 of Instructions for using utilities in Windows XP

You will see the recovery time you created above, indicating the date and time of that time. Click Next to start the system recovery job. When recovering, don't try to do anything with Computer, close all active programs to Restart your computer

The last utility I want to mention is RECOVERY CONSOLE

With this utility you can repair the system, format the disk, use or not use the service. Maybe you are very fancy with RECOVERY CONSOLE because it is easy to understand if it is not installed when you run SETUP of WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL.

To be able to use RECOVERY CONSOLE, you must log in as Administrator and must be a good user (power user). RECOVERY CONSOLE allows copying files from storage media to the system partition (System Partition) but doing the opposite is completely impossible

Also, although you can move to LOGIC drives, you cannot read the file on any partition except the system partition. The RECOVERY CONSOLE is very dangerous 'one step back to ban' so you have to know it. If it is wrong, only install it again

As mentioned above, RECOVERY CONSOLE helps you repair and reformat the drive quickly. Because the article space is limited, I just ask for the main ideas about RECOVERY CONSOLE. If you like to learn, follow the following basic steps, of course, you can think about it yourself

  1. You boot (Boot) with the WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL installation CD. When you see the prompt: Press any key to boot from CD. You press any key on the keyboard, do it right

  2. You see the message 'WELCOME TO SETUP' you press 'R' to run RECOVERY CONSOLE. Note, if you have multiple operating systems installed or multiple XP installations (DUAL BOOT or MULTIPLE-BOOT), which version do you have to use? RECOVERY CONSOLE

  3. When RECOVERY CONSOLE prompts you to enter the password of ADMINISTRATOR. After

  4. At the RECOVERY CONSOLE command prompt, type:
    A list shows all the services and drivers installed for the previous version of WINDOWS XP.
    A list showing RECOVERY CONSOLE commands

    Here is the specific progress of the declaration to log into RECOVERY CONSOLE:

    After pressing R to enter RECOVERY CONSOLE as mentioned above. You see:
    a. 1: C: Windows
    Có nên cài đặt các bạn nào để đăng nhập
    (To cancel, press Enter)?
    You type
    b. Type the Administrator password: xxxxxxxx.

    With xxxxxxxx is the administrator's password (Administrator)
    c. C: windows>

    You type help to perform or listsvc to see Driver list and services as stated


Update 25 May 2019


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