If you find that your photo has an unsatisfactory background, wish you could have a better background. To achieve such a desire, the first thing to do is to separate the person from the old background image.
Here Thuthuatphanmem.vn will guide you to separate people from the background image in Photoshop in a standard way without adjustment.
How to separate people from the background image
Step 1: At the main interface of Photoshop, press Ctrl + O to open the photo you need to split people in Photoshop.
Step 2: Select the Quick Selection Tool (W) and select the object to split.
Just click on the area on the object to create a border around.
Step 3: Once the object has been selected, Right-click on the object, choose Refine Edge . In Photoshop CC will be Select and Mask .
Step 4: At the dialog box that appears, click View and then select On Black .
Step 5: Set as follows:
Step 6: Select the Refine Radius Tool to get the missing outer parts of the object.
Paint around like this and you can get back the missing hair.
In contrast to the Erase Refinements Tool , which allows you to erase the excess.
Step 7: After making the corrections as desired, in the Output section of the Refine Edge dialog box, tick the Decontaminate Colors box and click OK to apply.
The result will be returned as follows:
Insert new background for object
Step 1: Select the Background Layer .
Step 2: Select File >> Place and select the image you want to make it the new background.
Step 3: Drag the background size to fit.
Step 4: When you're satisfied, right-click and select Place
So you have completed both steps of separating the object and changing the background for the image.
The work has been completed!
Thank you for watching the article! Wish you will make yourself beautiful photos in Photoshop.