How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Maintaining SSH credentials is an important part of every administrator's security protocol. Today's article will show you how you can reduce the keys you need to maintain by linking your SSH login information with your GPG key.

Prepare GPG key for SSH

The first step when using GPG keys on SSH is to create a new subkey. Doing this will allow SSH authentication details to be shared without affecting your main GPG identity.

Start by opening the GPG prompt for the master key:

gpg --expert --edit-key YOUR-KEY@EMAIL.ADDRESS

Note : You can find the email address for your master key by listing the key's contents: gpg --list-keys .

Type 'addkey' on the GPG prompt, select '8' , then press Enter.

Picture 1 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Set the subkey capability to '=A' then press Enter.

Picture 2 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Enter '4096' in the key size prompt, then press Enter .

Set a reasonable time period for subkey validity. In this case, the example would be typing '1y' to make the new subkey only valid for one year.

Picture 3 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Create a new GPG subkey by typing 'y' , then pressing Enter on the wizard's confirmation prompt.

Type 'quit' , then press Enter to exit the GPG prompt.

Confirm that the new subkey is working properly by getting details about the master key:

gpg --list-keys YOUR-KEY@EMAIL.ADDRESS

Picture 4 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Enable SSH support in GPG

Once the subkey is up and running, you can now configure your SSH daemon to accept incoming gpg-agent requests. To do that, add 'enable-ssh-support' to the current user's 'gpg-agent.conf' file:

echo "enable-ssh-support" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

Open the '.bashrc' file with your favorite text editor:

nano ~/.bashrc

Paste the following lines of code at the end of the .bashrc file:

export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)
gpgconf --launch gpg-agent

Save the bashrc file, then print the subkey's keygrip:

gpg --list-keys --with-keygrip

Picture 5 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Copy the subkey's keygrip, then create the file 'sshcontrol' in the .gnupg directory :

nano ~/.gnupg/sshcontrol

Paste your identity keygrip into the new file, then save it.

Picture 6 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Apply the new SSH and GPG configuration by reloading the bashrc file on the current terminal session:

source ~/.bashrc

Check if the SSH daemon is currently working properly by listing its SSH public key:

ssh-add -l

Picture 7 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Export and check GPG key

At this point, you should have the SSH daemon correctly linked to your GPG agent. To use it, generate an SSH export key with the following command:

gpg --ssh-export-key YOUR-KEY@EMAIL.ADDRESS > ~/authorized_keys

Set the export key's permission bits to be readable and writable only by the user:

chmod 600 ~/authorized_keys

Send new authorization file to remote server using scp:

scp ~/authorized_keys YOUR-REMOTE.SERVER.DOMAIN:~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Log in to the remote server, then restart the SSH daemon to apply the new key:

sudo systemctl restart ssh.service

Press Ctrl + D , then log back into the remote SSH server. This will bring up a new prompt asking to enter the master GPG key password.

Picture 8 of How to log in to SSH server with GPG key

Binding a GPG key to the SSH daemon and exporting it to a remote server are just some of the things you can do with SSH. Discover what can be done with this amazing software using SSH with UNIX pipes in Linux.

Update 25 May 2024


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