GO SELECT MakeFlag,SUM(ListPrice) FROM Production.Product GROUP BY ProductNumber
Checkpoint in SQL Server
There are 4 types of checkpoint in SQL Server 2012:
Automatic: This type is the most common checkpoint, running in the form of a background process to make sure the SQL Server Database can be restored within the time specified by Recovery Interval in the Server Configuration Option.
Indirect: This checkpoint is only available on SQL Server 2012. It is also a background running process but only for certain users who specify the recovery time for a specific database in configuration options. When the Target_Recovery_Time for a specific database is selected, it will overwrite the Recovery Interval assigned to the server, avoiding the Automatic checkpoint on the database.
Manual: This Checkpoint runs like any other SQL command, when you create the checkpoint command, it will run to complete. This checkpoint only runs on the current database. You can specify Checkpoint_Duration in the option to specify how long you want the checkpoint to be completed.
Internal: As a user, you cannot control this type of checkpoint in specific actions such as:
Shut off a checkpoint action on all databases unless the shutdown fails, not normal (use Shutdown with nowith command).
When the recovery model was changed from FullBulk-logged to Simple.
While backing up the database.
If the database is in Simple recovery mode, the checkpoint process will automatically perform or when the log is full 70%, or based on the Server's Recovery Interval option.
The ALTER DATABASE command to add or delete log / data files also initiates a checkpoint.
Checkpoint also takes place when the database recovery model is Bulk-logged and the minimum write operation is performed.
This is probably the "sweetest" part of SQL Server, but the idea of understanding its architecture will help to understand how everything works, if there is an error, it is somewhat, . This makes it easier to work with the database.
In the next section, we will learn about Management Studio and gradually go into the basic commands of SQL Server.
Previous article: Instructions for installing MS SQL Server
Next lesson: Manage MS SQL Server with Management Studio