How to have Siri call your name

By default, Siri will call the user by name. However, you can ask Siri to use a nickname or a name you added yourself. Additionally, you can also fix the way Siri pronounces names. Note: Siri does not have a Vietnamese version yet, so you need to use English.

Change the name that Siri calls you by

Picture 1 of How to have Siri call your name

Set up personal contact information. Siri will call you by whatever name you set in your personal contact. You might not have this information set up yet, but you can add it through the Settings app.

Open the Settings app and select "Mail, Contacts, Calendars".

Scroll down and tap "My Info".

Select personal contact information, or create one now if you don't have one yet.

Picture 2 of How to have Siri call your name

Change your personal contact to change the name that Siri calls. By default, Siri will call you by the name in your personal contacts file. Changing your personal contact information will change the way Siri calls you.

Open the Contacts app.

Select your personal contact and press "Edit".

Change the name you want Siri to call you.

Picture 3 of How to have Siri call your name

Ask Siri to call you by your nickname. You can ask Siri to call you by another name if you want.

Open Siri by pressing and holding the Home key.

Say "From now on, call me by name ." Siri will confirm your new name. This will change the "nickname" entry in the personal contact.

Correct Siri pronunciation

Picture 4 of How to have Siri call your name

Open the Contacts app. If Siri mispronounces your/other contact's name, you can change this.

Picture 5 of How to have Siri call your name

Tap the contact whose pronunciation you want to correct. This can be anyone in your contacts, including you.

Picture 6 of How to have Siri call your name

Click the "Edit" button. This allows you to change the contact's details.

Picture 7 of How to have Siri call your name

Scroll down and tap "add field". This allows you to select a new field for the contact.

Picture 8 of How to have Siri call your name

Select "Phonetic First Name" to change the pronunciation of the contact's name. You can also select "Phonetic Middle Name" or "Phonetic Last Name" if you want to change the pronunciation of these elements.

Picture 9 of How to have Siri call your name

Enter pronunciation spelling for the name. Entering the name this way will help Siri pronounce it correctly. For example, you can spell "Margot" as "Margoh."

Update 01 November 2023


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