How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD

If you're looking for a project to help you get to know AutoCAD, making a basic L-shaped staircase is a good one. These instructions are for beginning users of the software with basic knowledge on where to find and how to use appropriate...

Part 1 of 2:

Creating the Stairs

  1. Picture 1 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Make sure your snap cursor to 2D points tool is active with endpoints checked. This will allow you to place objects properly touching each other. You will notice endpoints when selecting and moving objects. They will be small green squares located at corners of the object that snap to other endpoints when dragged.
  2. Picture 2 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Create a rectangle using the rectangle tool under the drawing section. This is located under the home tab.
  3. Picture 3 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Select, then copy the existing rectangle with Ctrl+C and paste with Ctrl+V. This will ensure that our stairs are all uniform in size.
  4. Picture 4 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Place this rectangle directly next to the original. The lines should endpoint snap, creating a seamless connection between the two stairs.
  5. Picture 5 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Repeat this process in order to place desired number of stairs.
  6. Picture 6 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Select, copy, and paste a new rectangle directly above or below existing rectangles. Re-select the rectangle with the rotate tool. Rotate this rectangle's bottom pivot point 90 degrees and select Enter to confirm its placement.
  7. Picture 7 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Create a landing by using the rectangle tool and creating a square in the space between the rotated rectangle and the original flight of stairs. Make sure all corners are snapped to the rectangles' endpoints.
  8. Picture 8 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Copy the previously rotated rectangle and paste another in the direction you wish to have your second set of stairs follow. Do this for however many steps you would like.
Part 2 of 2:

Making Your Steps 3D

  1. Picture 9 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Change your Camera angle.Be familiar with changing the camera angle according to your xyz axis. This allows you to visualize the transition from 2D objects to 3D.
  2. Picture 10 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Select the extrude tool on the home tab.
  3. Picture 11 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Select all the rectangles and landing and select Enter to confirm selection and activate the extrude tool.
  4. Picture 12 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Use the extrude tool to drag steps in a positive direction to the desired height.
  5. Picture 13 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Select the move tool from the modify section.
  6. Picture 14 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Select the second rectangle with Enter(this will be the second step of our stair case).
  7. Picture 15 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Move the bottom corner/edge of the second step onto the top corner/edge of the first step. This will give your stairs height.
  8. Picture 16 of How to Create an L‐Shaped Stairway on AutoCAD
    Repeat this process for each of the following steps including the landing.
Update 05 March 2020


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