How to check Facebook user information and activities

Quickly view the Facebook activity of any user very simply, you can check any public activity.

At the top of the list of the most crowded social networks today, Facebook is where we make friends to exchange and promote websites when creating Facebook Fanpage or exchanging information on certain issues with creating groups on Facebook. However, Facebook also brings a lot of risks, especially for families with young children, when they can access inappropriate content.

If users want to know the whole action and information of any Facebook account, they can use 2 tools Stalk Face and Stalk Scan. These 2 websites help us search for information related to people who want to check, through Facebook's own data store. The information is divided into different data groups for easier control. The following article will guide you how to use Stalk Face and Stalk Scan to view any Facebook account information.

  1. How to completely 'invisible' on Facebook?
  2. How to check activity on Facebook
  3. Guide to hide Facebook Fanpage like activity
  4. How to turn off all notifications from Groups on Facebook

1. Check on Stalk Scan

Step 1:

First, you will access the Facebook account you want to check and then copy the path of that Facebook account .

Picture 1 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

Step 2:

Next, we will visit the homepage link following the link below:


Step 3:

At stalkscan's interface, paste the Facebook account link we want to check the activity, and then click the magnifying glass icon .

Picture 2 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

Right after loading the Facebook account link successfully, you will see the Profile . loaded! as shown below.

Picture 3 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

Step 4:

We scroll down to see the list that stalkscan lists to check activities on Facebook, such as Tags (posts tagged with images, videos, articles), People (who relate to account holders) Facebook), Profile (personal information), Liked (click like posts, photos or videos), .

Now you just need to check on any item and then the result of the Facebook account you want to check.

Picture 4 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

2. Check Facebook information on Stalk Face


Step 1:

Users also enter the Facebook link they want to check into the Stalk Face interface and then click the Stalk button below.

Picture 5 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

Step 2:

Scroll down to the bottom of the Unknow section so we can choose the time period to check the activity or information of this Facebook account. You can view the activity for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year or view all the information depending on the user choose.

Picture 6 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

Step 3:

As a result we will see information for Facebook accounts divided into different groups, including Available Options (display options), Liked (likes history), Profile (personal account information), People (related person information), Comments (comment activities), Tags (tagged content), Places (checked-in location) and Interest (interests).

Note to readers that only public activities of Facebook accounts can be checked.

Picture 7 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

Click on each item to see it and we are redirected to the interface on Facebook with the content to check.

Picture 8 of How to check Facebook user information and activities

So with 2 different tools, Stalk Face and Stalk Scan, we will know some of the content, information and public actions of any Facebook account. Private content, deleted Facebook accounts cannot be checked this way.

I wish you all success!

Update 24 May 2019


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