How to assemble the Mainboard into the computer case
How to assemble the Mainboard into the computer case
The motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer, it has a lot of electronic components and slots to connect to other devices in the computer. All devices of the computer are connected to the Mainboard. The motherboard has many different types (standards) and many different generations (Models). In addition, each mainboard can only be compatible with a number of other computer devices within an allowable range.
Here are the steps to assemble the Mainboard into the computer case
Check the position of the screw holes on the Mainboard and the location of the mounting brackets in the case. If you do not have these pins, you must attach these pins to the case by comparing the holes on the Mainboard corresponding to the supports on the case. Vis and stands are always included with the case, the stand can be made of metal or plastic.
On the case, there are often many mounting holes for the stand to be compatible with many different (standard) sized Mainboards. To know exactly where this hole is, put the Mainboard in the case so that the position of the connection ports on the Mainboard coincides with the holes on the back of the case and then mark the mounting holes that match between the Mainboard and machine box.
- If the supports are not in the correct position, are redundant or missing, they must be adjusted correctly or removed or else will damage the Mainboard.
Place the Mainboard into the case carefully, avoiding collisions and damaging the circuit and components on the Mainboard. If the Mainboard comes with a piece of stainless steel to cover the connectors, you must attach this piece of stainless steel to the case first before assembling the Mainboard.
The connection ports of the Mainboard face the back of the case.
Getting the motherboard positioning screw. If the mounting holes are located near electrical circuits, use insulating washers to line them before catching the vis.
Plug the power supply cords into the Mainboard, these wires have the same direction and match the connectors on the Mainboard.
Plug the wires: Power SW switch, Reset SW, Power LED (power indicator light), HDD LED (hard drive light) and the USB, Audio, . wires of the case into the Mainboard. Refer to the instruction manual that came with the Motherboard for the exact location of the connectors and how to connect the wires.
Plug the ends of the drives' data cables into the slots on the motherboard. Each plug will only fit into its compatible slot, so you can rest assured that it is impossible to mess up.
Insert the expansion cards (if any) into the slots of the Mainboard.
- The operation must be careful, do not drop the vis stuck on the Mainboard to avoid touching and damaging the Mainboard.
- If, after turning on the switch, the machine does not work, then check the power cords, switch wires, . plugged in on the Mainboard.
- If the power indicator or HDD light (hard drive) does not light up when operating, it may be because it is plugged in the wrong position or plugged in the wrong direction (+ or -).
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