Google first raised G Suite prices - a move to warm up competition with Microsoft Office 365

Undoubtedly, Google will conduct price increases for services on the G Suite. The information was revealed by a Google representative in a blog post on Wednesday.

Undoubtedly, Google will conduct price increases for services on the G Suite.The information was revealed by a Google representative in a blog post on Wednesday.This is considered a necessary step for Google not to lag behind in the confrontation with Microsoft Office 365.

Specifically, starting April 2, the cost of using G Suite Basic services will increase from 5 USD to 6 USD per user per month, and the premium service of G Suite Business will be available. the increase from the current 10 USD to 12 USD per person per month.However, there is still good news for that user, G Suite Enterprise Edition - the most widely used tool, the largest scale in the G Suite platform, will generally keep the price of the service.In addition, for G Suite customers who pay yearly, the new price will only be effective the next time in the new billing - subscription cycle after April 2.

Picture 1 of Google first raised G Suite prices - a move to warm up competition with Microsoft Office 365

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Google justified an increase of nearly 20% for its Basic and Business versions by saying they haven't updated prices since the introduction of the G Suite (more than a decade ago), while quality , features and new services on their products have increased significantly.Today, G Suite users have full access to some other useful tools including Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Drive, Hangouts Meet, Hangouts Chat .

The new $ 12 a month price for G Suite Business makes this tool a service fee nearly equal to Microsoft's Office 365 Business Premium package, which currently costs $ 12.50 per user per month.

Historically, Microsoft has proven that they are a very successful service provider in conquering the high-end market, despite being more expensive than the G Suite.Although at $ 12 / user / month, it is still much cheaper than Microsoft's popular fee of $ 20 / user / month (E3 Office 365), but the G Suite still cannot overwhelm gain market share compared to Office 365. Perhaps Google will need to discuss a little more about its competitive tactics.

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Picture 2 of Google first raised G Suite prices - a move to warm up competition with Microsoft Office 365

In addition, the price increase also appeared after the change in leadership position at Google Cloud - the company responsible for G Suite and other business services.Former senior Oracle employee Thomas Kurian officially assumed the position of CEO of Google Cloud at the beginning of the month, completely replacing the role of Diane Greene in the high-level personnel apparatus of Google Cloud.

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Update 24 May 2019


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