Discover the box to help cheat millions of views and likes on Facebook, TikTok

PhoneFarm is the tool behind the service to increase views and interactions on Facebook and TikTok in Vietnam at a cheaper cost than buying ads on the platform.

PhoneFarm is the tool behind the service to increase views and interactions on Facebook and TikTok in Vietnam at a cheaper cost than buying ads on the platform.

PhoneFarm appeared in 2018 in China with the aim of increasing social network interaction. However, then this tool contained hundreds of smartphones and manual operations.

Currently, the new generation PhoneFarm only has about a dozen phones combined, no need to put it on the rig like before and easier to control. Depending on the installation requirements, the number of smartphones increases or decreases.

Picture 1 of Discover the box to help cheat millions of views and likes on Facebook, TikTok

The phones used in PhoneFarm just need to work, regardless of old or new, and all screen and battery are separated, only the motherboard is left. This saves energy due to screen operation and limits battery explosion.

Phone boards connect to a motherboard via USB-C or micro-USB for power and data connections. LEDs on each pin will indicate connection success or failure. All will be connected to the computer. A separate software is designed for control.


The next thing to create Facebook, TikTok, Instagram accounts. automatically for the phone. Then, the software will activate the phone number to use to increase the view of the video, respond to the content, make random comments based on the prepared sentences, or leave intentional virtual comments in posts on social networks to create effects, attract interest or cause controversy.

On the computer screen shows a single virtual smartphone and with just a few clicks, all will 'receive' the same command.

The selling price of PhoneFarm depends on the quantity, status, and configuration of the smartphone. A PhoneFarm box containing 20 smartphones if using an old phone board and low configuration costs about 15 million VND. New boards and new phones have the highest price of 35 million dong.

Most of the motherboards and phone boards are imported from China, or bought used machines from mobile device stores and then gathered and sorted, cleaned, and assembled into boxes.

Get Likes With PhoneFarm

Previously, the indexes were virtual and were "scanned" by Facebook and TikTok, but now with PhoneFarm all interactions are real. However, it is still easy to identify content that is automatically interacted with by PhoneFarm if the content is unremarkable but has an unusually high amount of interaction even though, a comment repeated by many different accounts.

Using PhoneFarm to interact only works for a certain time because the account using this service may be locked due to fraud.

Update 24 July 2023


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