Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Call Recording Systems

By now, most of us are familiar with GDPR, which took effect in May 2018 and replaced the Data Protection Act.

The European Parliament passed the legislation, although the UK played a significant role in shaping the regulations.

Many businesses have found GDPR compliance challenging when it comes to storing and managing personal data. However, for some, the complexity goes even further. Safeguarding data storage against breaches and meeting the required protections are crucial. But for businesses that also record and store phone calls, an additional layer of data protection law must be taken into consideration.

Picture 1 of Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Call Recording Systems

How to Increase Cyber Security of Call Recording Systems and Data?

#1 Provide Training

The entire organization must receive security training, not just the IT team. As a call center leader, you should empower your agents to take responsibility for their cybersecurity since they are the primary line of defense. Your onboarding and training processes should include guidance on various security threats such as phishing, and ransomware, as well as industry-specific requirements like PCI and HIPAA compliance, and your company's security policies. A module on detecting social engineering tactics with real-world examples could be beneficial in helping agents identify potential threats. If you have access to QA tools like scorecards, you can automatically monitor agent compliance during customer interactions.

#2 Masking Important Details

The agent can tag calls that capture card details during payment processing for masking. Tagged recordings are then processed by a masking solution or provider, which applies a filter to mute or replace the portion of the call where card details were read aloud with white noise. Security options for call recordings do not always include this function and it is somewhat complex from the point of view of technical implementation. But call recording privacy increases significantly.

#3 Use Reliable Call Recording Systems

The procedure for securing call recordings must include the use of the correct tools for recording calls. In addition to VoIP telephony, you can use the iPhone call recorder app. Your iPhone phone recorder or business connection mustn't store data in clear text. The best approach is to use a call recorder that stores recordings on the cloud. Yes, you will have to give a lecture on how to record a call on an iPhone, but it is not that difficult. It takes a couple of minutes to master iCall. You can use it even in free trial mode, but cybersecurity immediately increases significantly. You can set up a secure tunnel with the cloud and thereby protect all saved call recordings.

#4 Create a Detailed Security Policy

To ensure airtight security, it's crucial to have a robust security policy that provides explicit guidelines for passwords, encryption, and customer privacy. This policy will leave no room for doubt among agents regarding their responsibilities in safeguarding the organization. Defining separate guidelines for remote call center workers is advisable since they may require additional instructions to maintain security outside the office. These procedures, along with the overall policy, should be part of both onboarding and training programs to ensure all employees are well-informed. Furthermore, continuous refinement of this security policy should be an integral component of your call center audit process.

#5 Provide the Minimum Necessary Privileges to Employees

To ensure effective execution of their duties, agents should have access to specific information, without granting unrestricted permissions to all individuals within the organization. Adopting a role-based access approach is crucial in reducing the risk of data breaches and enabling prompt response to potential threats.

By assigning permissions based on necessity, job position, seniority, and other relevant factors, sensitive information is entrusted solely to those individuals who genuinely require it for their call center role. This approach minimizes the likelihood of internal security breaches and allows for swift access revocation in case of a breach.

#6 Remember about Software Update

Phishing, IoT attacks, and ransomware are continuously evolving in complexity. Safeguarding your call center requires keeping your software and systems up to date. Although frequent updates can be inconvenient, they are essential to address vulnerabilities and stay ahead of hackers.

Occasionally, you may need to transition to new tools. If a call center audit reveals that your previous security software is no longer suitable, make sure to remove legacy systems and revoke access for former employees.

#7 Take Extra Safety Measures

Picture 2 of Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Call Recording Systems

To mitigate threats, apply specific digital security measures such as multi-factor authentication or single sign-on. These measures can minimize breach risks by securing network access, reducing password fatigue, and improving threat detection. Additionally, enhancing data security can be achieved through stronger password management. Avoid using default passwords and establish a system for regular employee password updates. Moreover, ensure regular data backups and encryption to safeguard your organization against cyberattacks.


Some businesses have been recording calls for their operations long before GDPR's establishment. This practice has proven beneficial in multiple ways, including enhancing service quality, boosting sales efforts, improving problem-solving abilities, and fostering innovation.

While call recording brings advantages, it is essential to comply with GDPR to avoid negative consequences. Failure to comply may result in data breach complaints, with initial warnings and corrective orders. However, repeated non-compliance can lead to severe penalties. We are talking about significant financial fines of up to €20 million or 4% of the business's total global turnover.

Update 17 October 2023


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