Common statistical functions in Excel

Summary of common statistical functions in Excel

Summary of common statistical functions in Excel

1. Function Count - Count data numeric

- Syntax: Count (data area to be counted).

- Meaning: Used to count the total number of cells containing numeric values.

- For example:

Picture 1 of Common statistical functions in Excel

2. Counta function - Count all cells containing data (other than counting cells with numeric data)

- Syntax: Counta (data area to be counted).

- For example:

Picture 2 of Common statistical functions in Excel

3. Countif function - The function counts data according to one condition

- Syntax: Countif (data area containing search values, search conditions).

- The function can count up to 127 conditions.

- Example: Calculating the total of items sold on April 18, 2015.

Picture 3 of Common statistical functions in Excel

4. Countifs function

- Syntax: Countifs (data area condition 1, condition 1, data area condition 2, condition 2, . .).

- Example: Calculating the total number of items sold on April 18, 2015 with unit price = 17000

Picture 4 of Common statistical functions in Excel

5. Countblank function - Count the number of empty cells in a table (note that the value 0 is not an empty value)

- Syntax: Countblank (data area to be counted).

- For example:

Picture 5 of Common statistical functions in Excel

6. The Rank function

- You want to know the total score of your test position in the ranking you use the rank function offline.

- Syntax: Rank (value to sort, data range to sort, sort type).


Sort type has 2 values:

+ value = 0 sorted by descending style.

+ value = 1 sort by ascending.

- For example: Find out what the best selling HGSD item is among the items.

Thread analysis:

+ Based on the number of sold products to calculate the best selling item among the items.

+ Check the selling value of the item "HGSD" by the 7th in the number column. This order is the order number of the best seller.

Picture 6 of Common statistical functions in Excel

7. Average function - The function calculates the average value

- Syntax: Average (value 1, value 2, value 3, . .).

- Example: Calculate the average unit price of items.

- Topical analysis: Calculate the average unit price of items we calculate the average value of the cells in the unit price column.

Picture 7 of Common statistical functions in Excel

8. Column and Columns functions

Very useful application in excel file containing big data.

- Column function: Used to determine how much this cell is in the table in the table.

+ Syntax: Column (cell address to determine which column belongs).

+ Column order is calculated from the first column (column A) in excel.

+ For example:

Picture 8 of Common statistical functions in Excel

- Columns function: Count the total number of columns in a data area.

+ Syntax: Columns (data area needs to determine number of columns)

+ For example:

Picture 9 of Common statistical functions in Excel

Update 19 May 2020


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