Chrome for Android is added with offline reading feature

Recently, Google announced that the latest version of Chrome for Android will support downloading newspaper pages so that users in countries with restricted mobile data can read when offline.

Recently, Google announced that the latest version of Chrome for Android will support downloading newspaper pages so that users in countries with restricted mobile data can read when offline.

When the device is connected to free Wi-Fi or does not set the code, Chrome will automatically download the latest articles and news that are tracked by your local people. In addition, if you are logged into your Google account, the browser will use the user's surfing history to produce articles that match their interests. Downloaded messages will be saved in the "popular pages from Chrome" section of the download page, users can view them at any time without the Internet.

Picture 1 of Chrome for Android is added with offline reading feature

Currently, this feature has been integrated into the latest version of Chrome for Android in more than 100 countries such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria . countries with unstable network speeds. If you are using an Android device, please download the latest version of Chrome to see if you are in this category.

See more:

  1. Invite you to experience virtual reality web platform on Android
  2. How to check which Chrome tab is slowing down your computer

  3. Experience the Material Design 2 interface for Chrome, you can activate it
Update 24 May 2019


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