To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks

Like other browsers, after a long time of use, the Chrome browser will become more and more slow because there must be everything, utilities, plugins, even viruses .... With the speed of day such a slowdown, during use sometimes makes users feel uncomfortable and frustrating.

As we all know, Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers for computers as well as mobile phones. But like other browsers, after a period of use, Chrome will become more and more slow, sluggish because of having to download more things, such as information, user data, website cache, cookies, sometimes is both malware, adware . So how does Google Chrome browser always run as fast as it was in the beginning? Please refer to the article below of

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 1To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 1

1. Update Google Chrome to the latest version

Yes, the reason why Google Chrome regularly launches small updates, small dots in the version is to ensure that its browser is always updated with patches, the ability to reverse speed while operating. . With just a simple test, you can use the latest version of Google Chrome.

2. Activate Experimental section

It can be understood that this is a section containing features in the experimental phase of Google Chrome, so it can be removed at any time if not appropriate. To do this, type in the address bar:

  1. chrome: // flags

Then press Enter. Please activate the features as below:

  1. Continue with Ctrl + F and search " ignore-gpu-blacklist ". Click the Enable link, this feature is mainly for Google Chrome to "ignore" the types of GPUs with low performance and RAM, thereby allowing Chrome to choose and use the right type of VRAM on the system.

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 2To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 2

3. Remove unused web applications

Google Chrome is not only a web browser, it is also an application platform for web apps. It can run applications installed on Chrome, written in languages ​​such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Although these applications don't load resources like websites, if you don't need them, you should still uninstall them.

To delete unnecessary web apps, do the following:

  1. Enter: chrome: // apps on Chrome's address bar or click Apps on the Bookmarks bar
  2. Right-click on the application you want to delete, select Remove from Chrome . and click the Remove button to confirm deleting the application.

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 3To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 3

4. Turn off DNS Preloading

Note: Chrome version 73 and above, this feature is no longer found on Chrome.

What is this feature for? DNS Preloading is actually used to save temporary memory space - DNS Cache - Domain Name Server on Chrome. This is the last step in resolving domain names, downloading information and displaying the web interface in the browser, and turning off this DNS Preloading feature basically technically helps the Chrome browser save the set. Cache needed. To do this, you follow:

  1. Select Settings> Advanced Settings> Privacy , there will be two options: " Use a web service to help resolve navigational errors " and " Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in address bar ". Please turn off - Disable both of these.

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 4To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 4

5. Turn on the Prefetch Resources feature

Prefetch Resources will allow Chrome to use algorithms to evaluate links / content that you will most likely click on. That way a piece of content will be loaded in the background to make your browsing faster.

  1. Go to Chrome's Options > Settings > Show advanced settings .
  2. Check the option Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly.

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 5To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 5

6. Turn off and delete plugins unnecessarily

Obviously, installing too much Plugin or Chrome Extension is a bad solution, very bad for the browser which is famous for consuming this RAM. Although they are sometimes necessary during use, something too much is not good. It is best to regularly check Chrome's add-ons, which are not used or are not really needed, delete them!

See instructions for deleting the add-on on Chrome to know how to do it!

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 6To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 6

7. Periodically erase data, Chrome cache information

Technically, every time you access a website, an address, a domain, Google Chrome will store information about those domains in the form of cache - Cache or Cookies to help users reduce. Access time for later times. And inadvertently this makes Chrome's operating speed drop many times, to overcome, it is best to practice the habit of clearing Google Chrome's Cache after a certain period of time. It may be 3 days, 5 days, 7 days or whenever you feel necessary.

To delete the Google Chrome Cache, go to Settings> History Section or press the shortcut Ctrl + H, then select Clear Browsing Data:

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 7To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 7

8. Turn off the image display

Photos or content with photos is one of the heaviest things when Google Chrome downloads data from certain websites. Of course, turning off images displayed on Chrome will make the experience of the website very dry, because We will only see words and letters. But in return, Chrome's speed will be faster than before. Are you willing to trade that?

To turn off the display of photos on Google Chrome, you access the address:


In the Image section, select Do not show any images !

To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 8To speed up Chrome browser, apply these tricks Picture 8

Video accelerates Google Chrome on your computer

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