The article will explore and show you how to use the DATALENGTH function in SQL Server to display the number of bytes used to represent an expression ..
The LEFT function in SQL Server allows you to extract a substring from a large string, starting from the leftmost character.
The LEN function in SQL Server returns the length of the specified string. It is important that the LEN function does not include whitespace characters at the end of the string
The article will explore and show you how to use the LOWER function in SQL Server to convert letters in a specified string to lowercase.
LTRIM function in SQL Server is used to delete all space characters from the first position (left positions) of the string.
REPLACE function in SQL Server is used to replace all occurrences of substring a to a new substring b in a given string.
The article will explore and guide you how to use the RIGHT function in SQL Server to extract some characters from the right side of a given string.
The RTRIM function in SQL Server is used to delete all space characters from the last position (the right positions) of the string.
This tutorial explains how to create, add and delete unique constraints in SQL Server.
What is the check constraint in SQL Server, what is it used for and what is it used for? This article will give you the answer.
This article explains how to create, rename and delete indexes in SQL Server.
This article will show you how to decentralize and revoke permissions.
The article explains how to use the CREATE LOGIN command with syntax and examples.
The ALTER LOGIN command is used to modify the identity used to connect to SQL Server.
The tutorial explains how to use the DROP LOGIN command in SQL Server with syntax and examples.
Are there any queries in SQL Server that return all login accounts and information about them?
The SQL Server 2017 version is primarily connected to Linux, bringing the power of SQL to Linux. In short, you can install SQL Server 2017 on Linux, using SQL Server 2017 on
This article will show you in detail how to use the CREATE USER command in SQL Server, with specific syntax and examples to better visualize and capture commands.
SQL Server 2017 comes with new features in the installation process. It now supports the Machine Learning Service for R and Python. It also includes SSIS Scale Out Master and
This article will show you in detail how to use the DROP USER command in SQL Server with specific syntax and examples to better visualize and capture commands.