RIGHT function in SQL Server
The article will explore and guide you how to use the RIGHT function in SQL Server to extract some characters from the right side of a given string.
The article will explore and guide you how to use the RIGHT function in SQL Server to extract some characters from the right side of a given string.
The RIGHT function in SQL Server allows you to extract a substring from a large string, starting from the rightmost character.
To use the RIGHT function in SQL Server, we use the following syntax:
RIGHT(chuoi, so_ky_tu)
Parameters :
- chuoi: can be a string, variable or column that you want to extract.
- so_ky_tu: a positive integer that specifies the number of characters that will be returned from the cycle, starting with the rightmost character .
Note :
- If so_ky_tu exceeds the length of the string, RIGHT returns the original string.
- See also LEFT function with the same function but on the left side.
- RIGHT function can be used in later versions of SQL Server: SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008, and SQL Server 2005.
For example
Take a look and explore some examples of RIGHT functions in SQL Server.
SELECT RIGHT('TipsMake.com', 11);
Result: 'trimang.com.'
SELECT RIGHT('TipsMake.com', 4);
Result: '.com'
SELECT RIGHT('Quan Tri Mang', 9);
Result: 'Tri Mang '
SELECT RIGHT('Quan Tri Mang', 100);
Result: 'Quan Tri Mang '
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