Ma ster.sys.sql_logins FROM ma
VIEW sys.sql_logins includes the columns below
Column Explanation of ten This is ten_dangnhap specified in the CREATE LOGIN command id_uynhem Number value giatri_duynhat The unique value specified in the CREATE LOGIN command typeProxy type:
Description for proxy types:
In older SQL Server versions, you can get all Login information using the SQL Server 2000 system table like sys.syslogins, using the command below.
FROM master.s
The system table sys.syslogins (SQL Server 2000) contains the following columns.
Column Explanation giatri_duynhat The unique value specified in the CREATE LOGIN page command does not apply immediately The Date / Time created Login with the CREATE LOGIN command immediately snapnhat Last login date / time with the command ALTER LOGIN accdate Not used totcpu No apply totio Not apply spacelimit Not applicable timelimit Not apply resultlimit Not apply ten This is ten_dangnhap specified in the CREATE LOGIN command. tendb The default database is the default language 0 or 1 default 0 or 1 number 0 or 1 number 0 or 1 number 0 or 1 admins 0 or 1 admin or 0 adminset 0 or 1 admin 0 or 1 adminodia 0 or 1 nguoitaodb 0 or 1 adminbulk 0 or 1 tendangnhap This is ten_dangnhap specified in the CREATE LOGIN command.Previous article: DROP LOGIN command in SQL Server
The following article: CREATE USER command in SQL Server