Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word. In this article, you will learn the special characters used to minimize the search time when you want to insert them into your text.

In this article, you will learn the special characters used to minimize the search time when you want to insert them into your text.

First of all you need to know how to insert special characters into the text. To insert special characters you just need to go to the Insert tab -> Symbols -> Symbol -> the dialog box appears selecting the characters to insert:

Picture 1 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

For example, insert special characters to decorate text:

Picture 2 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

To search for locations of special character groups, you only need to select in Font -> there will appear character groups for you to choose:

Picture 3 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

The sample characters are particularly beautiful or use:

1. Font = Wingdings

- The most commonly used and popular symbol pattern.

- The sample is in Wingdings ie Font = Wingdings

- Is the most commonly used symbol group containing character samples for books, phones, emails, hands, .

Picture 4 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

For example, insert some characters in the Wingdings group :

Picture 5 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

2. Font = Wingdings2

- The same pattern as Wingdinggs but adds special characters like stars, moon .

Picture 6 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

For example some characters in Wingdings2 group :

Picture 7 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

3. Font = Wingdings3

- A group specializing in arrow symbols

Picture 8 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

For example some samples in Wingdings3:

Picture 9 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

4. Font = MS Gothic

- Contains special characters for the process of playing games or facebook without worrying about font errors:

Picture 10 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

5. Font = Webdings

- A font containing beautiful characters of the fields:

Picture 11 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

6. Font = Segoe MDL2 Assets

- A group of fonts containing frequently used symbols in software to guide and describe:

Picture 12 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

7. Font = Segoe UI Emoji

- A font group containing special characters about plants, flowers, animals .

Picture 13 of Beautiful Symbol templates in Word, Particularly beautiful characters in Word

Above are some groups of special characters commonly used in Word. Hope to help you save time searching when you want to use them

Update 19 May 2020


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