4 tips to help identify photos that have been edited

Every day, you surf Facebook and see beautiful pictures but you are wondering whether it is real or virtual (edited)? In the age of technological development that is as fast as it is today, it will be difficult to know if a photo is an original image. However, difficulty does not mean that it is not identifiable. Please refer to the suggestions below of TipsMake.com to find the answer for you.

Every day, you surf Facebook and see beautiful pictures but you are wondering whether it is real or virtual (edited)? In the age of technological development that is as fast as it is today, it will be difficult to know if a photo is an original image. However, difficulty does not mean that it is not identifiable. Please refer to the suggestions below of TipsMake.com to find the answer for you.

  1. Download Photoshop CS2 9.0

1. All details in the image are clear

Picture 1 of 4 tips to help identify photos that have been edited

When all the details in the picture are in focus, this is probably a picture that is synthesized from many other photos. Sometimes it is merely a function of sharpening images in Photoshop or a similar application but when the whole landscape both the foreground and the background are sharp and clear, it is usually a couple of photos up.

2. Many areas are the same in photos

Picture 2 of 4 tips to help identify photos that have been edited

An error of amateur Photoshopers is to copy an area in the image and paste it into other areas. Maybe this is not a big problem when you zoom in a large image to fix it, but when you shrink the image, you will see the problem pop up.

3. The photo background is distorted

Picture 3 of 4 tips to help identify photos that have been edited

This is a photoshop incident that many stars get stuck with. Many stars have come to Photoshop workers to expect them to become slimmer on photos. These workers squeezed the waist, slanted the face, slanted and changed the size of many other parts but accidentally forgot the background, causing the walls or floors to bend or distort.

4. The skin is too smooth

Picture 4 of 4 tips to help identify photos that have been edited

Professional Photoshop experts are artists who look at the image and make sure it looks real, even when wiping out acne and fixing some of the corners on your face. But Photoshop or photo editing applications are just software. So when you look at a photo of your face, you will feel like it has just been redrawn.

  1. "Transform" the image into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop
  2. Create Zombie photos during Halloween in Photoshop
  3. Make sharp photos in 2 ways in Photoshop

Good luck!

Update 25 May 2019


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