What is rep? What does rep on Facebook mean?

On social networks like Facebook, Instagram often appear phrases such as Rep, check in, inbox ... but you can not understand what they mean. Invite you to find out in the article below!

On social networks like Facebook, Instagram often appear phrases such as Rep, check in, inbox . but you can not understand what they mean. Invite you to find out in the article below!

Picture 1 of What is rep? What does rep on Facebook mean?

1. What is rep?

Picture 2 of What is rep? What does rep on Facebook mean?

Rep in English means a piece of cloth with stripes used to make it (curtains, upholstery, etc.). The rep is read as 'rép' or the transliteration is / rep / . Some other meanings of rep include short for representative - representative, offer or repertory - short repertoire .

2. What does rep on Facebook mean?

On social networks like Facebook, Zalo . often use the word 'Rep' . Certainly 'Rep' here does not mean striped or rep, which means feedback - Reply . For example, on Facebook, having a friend comment on your status or photos means they're repeating, and in Messenger when you text that friend and they leave you, it means they repeating your message or 'rep inbox'.

The term Rep is fully written as Reply , read as 'ri pơ lai' and the English transliteration is / ri'pli /. The meaning of the word 'reply' is to reply, reply and so it is used to talk about replying to messages and comments on social networks of people.

Picture 3 of What is rep? What does rep on Facebook mean?

Through this article, you have understood what Rep is and what it stands for when used on social networks. Please visit Thuthuatphanmem.vn regularly to keep up to date with the latest technology news and knowledge. I wish you happy and rewarding reading!

Update 18 May 2020


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