We invite you to admire the first 1 million MP photo in the world

The photographer used 629,370 photos taken by the Canon 5D Mark III and Canon 65mm MPE lens together to create a photo up to 1,053 terapixel (equal to 1053 gigapixel, equivalent to more than 1 million MP) .

Photographer Gene Cooper has set a new world record, creating a photo of up to 1 million MP. He used 629,370 photos taken by the Canon 5D Mark III and Canon 65mm MPE lens together to create a photo up to 1,053 terapixel (equal to 1053 gigapixel, equivalent to more than 1 million MP).

When zooming in, you will see the theme of this huge piece of food. If you print this work with 300 dpi resolution, it will be even higher than the One World Trade Center in New York.

Gene Cooper lost 2187 working hours to create this impressive work.

Picture 1 of We invite you to admire the first 1 million MP photo in the world

You can access the link below to view the full image.

Terabite: World's First Terapixel Macro Photograph

See more:

  1. Explore the city of London through a timelapse image with resolutions up to 7,300 MP, clearly visible from 8 km away
  2. This bread cutter and photo splitting procedure will show you how the digital photo is edited
  3. The magic arrow always points to the right that makes the people in awe
  4. 57.7 billion pixels photo taken of a stretched Bentley in a picture in Dubai
Update 24 May 2019


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