Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

Google is probably no longer a strange name to you because in today's digital information age, searching information by Google has become quite familiar and you almost can not help but use this tool for work as well as for present life needs.

With Google, you can quickly get up-to-date with the information, addresses, knowledge about the field or item you want.

However, it is quite interesting that in addition to the main feature of searching information, Google also offers a few other great features. Then what is it, you can explore through the content below!

  1. 1. Find the exact word or phrase
  2. 2. Search for information on designated Website
  3. 3. Search for Web sites with similar content
  4. 4. Perform a quick math operation
  5. 5. Convert multinational currencies and units
  6. 6. Find the hours of other countries around the world
  7. 7. Test flight
  8. 8. Define a specific word
  9. 9. Limit search results time
  10. 10. Search for a map in a certain region
  11. Conclude

1. Find the exact word or phrase

If you want the results displayed from Google to contain the exact search term, you just need to enclose the search term in double quotes.

For example, if you want to find the exact phrase: Tips Make, just type in the Google search toolbar 'Tips Make' and Enter to check the results.

Picture 1 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

2. Search for information on designated Website

If you happen to know that a Website has good content and you want to find more information provided from this Website, this tip will be helpful to you.

To find a search word or phrase in a website, do a search as follows:

 site: + keyword

Example: You want to find  Windows keyboard shortcuts  from Website You do the following: site: Windows shortcuts

Picture 2 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

3. Search for Web sites with similar content

If you want to find a website with content similar to the viewed Website, you can use the syntax:

related: websitename (known)

Example: If you want to find websites similar to, you can execute the syntax: related:

Then, you will be listed a series of Web sites with related content.

Picture 3 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

4. Perform a quick math operation

By default, Google Search gives you the power to perform simple whole-word operations, addition and division to more complex ones. Usage is also very simple, you just need to enter the calculations with the numbers, the results will be displayed in a calculator interface for you to perform further calculations.

Example: You can type: 2 * 5 and Enter. A calculator will appear immediately with the results of this calculation.

Picture 4 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

5. Convert multinational currencies and units

If you want to know the conversion price of other foreign currencies into Vietnamese, the quick syntax for Google to do it is quite simple:

Example: You want to know 100000VND =? USD. Please enter: 100000 VND in USD

The resulting USD value will then appear in a box and you can easily convert it to another currency. Similarly, you can convert units with syntax: 20cm to inch or 50m to cm,….

Picture 5 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

6. Find the hours of other countries around the world

If you want to know exactly what time is the current time of a certain country, you can execute the syntax: time: country name

Example: If you want to know what time is currently in the United States, do: time: USA

Picture 6 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

7. Test flight

This is very useful if you want to pick up relatives or friends at the airport. For example, if you want to find a flight from San Francisco to Hong Kong by American Airlines, flight code 19021 and get flight details such as time of takeoff, landing at 2 airports, time delay, Flight times and flight status (still in progress, not yet landing at HKG).

Picture 7 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

8. Define a specific word

This is a pretty good feature for language majors because every time you know a certain English word, use this syntax to know the description of this word so that you can guess. determine the meaning of the word you want.

To find the meaning of a word, you use: define: the word you want to find the meaning. For example: define: hello

Picture 8 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

9. Limit search results time

This is a very useful feature for those who want to find new information updated and no longer waste time with old information. If you want to search for information in a specific time period. You can execute the syntax: search keyword 2013, 2014,… (results will be returned starting from 2013 to 2014).

Example: I want to know the tips on how to  create usb to install Windows 10  or macOSS, you do: Create USB install macOS. Enter to see the result.

Picture 9 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google

10. Search for a map in a certain region

If you want to quickly search for a map of the area in which you live or travel. You can execute the syntax: province name map

Example: You want to quickly view the map in New Yor city. Let's execute the syntax: New York map

And this is the result.

Picture 10 of Top 10 tips useful when searching information from Google


When viewing the information above, you will find it interesting and want to immediately perform a search. Hopefully with information about  Google search tips  in this article hope it will help you.

Update 26 October 2020


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