This is the type of password that takes 34,000 years to crack

Secure passwords are more necessary and important than ever when data theft tools can quickly crack passwords and use your personal data for malicious purposes.

Deciding whether a password is secure or not depends on the number of characters and how they are chosen to be combined together.

If you change your new password by adding a period to the old password, the algorithm can easily find it. Or arranging related words, combining your date of birth with your pet's name doesn't make it difficult for the algorithm because that information is already available on Facebook.

Picture 1 of This is the type of password that takes 34,000 years to crack

A standard 8-letter password contains 209 billion possible combinations. But this cannot be difficult for the computer, it immediately calculates it. But if you add a capital letter, the difficulty of the password increases significantly. Then, the computer will need up to 22 minutes to crack instead of immediately in one second - an increase of more than 1000%.

Picture 2 of This is the type of password that takes 34,000 years to crack

When using at least one capital letter and one number, the eight-character password will take up to an hour for the computer to crack.

The best way to make your password more secure is to have a long mix of upper and lower case letters, symbols and numbers. It would take a computer up to 34,000 years to crack a 12-character password containing at least one capital letter, one symbol, and one number.

Adding a few characters to the password will help increase security many times over. To make your password truly secure, you can add more characters or more than one capital letter, number, or symbol.

Currently, many people still use familiar and popular passwords such as Password, 123456, qwerty. for their applications. These are passwords that frequently appear on lists of the most common passwords that should definitely be stopped.

Update 21 August 2024


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