The incident that failed to load the image yesterday revealed how AI Facebook reads user image data

Yesterday (July 3, 2019) Facebook encountered a problem that made all images on this social network impossible to display.

Yesterday (July 3, 2019) Facebook encountered a problem that caused all photos on this social network to be unable to be displayed, instead the tags were assigned to the content displayed in the photo. that AI can identify. This has led Facebook to reveal how this social network's AI is performing to classify photos of all users.

When this incident happened on Facebook, instead of seeing the pictures of a clothes of the online sales site, friends checked-in to travel in a famous place . you will see the words describe in detail the 'Image may contain' people are laughing, people are running, houses, beaches, mountains or simply a dog.

Picture 1 of The incident that failed to load the image yesterday revealed how AI Facebook reads user image data
The problem does not display photos of Facebook to reveal how the AI ​​of this social network recognizes and classifies photos.

The text that describes it is what the computer sees from the photos users post on Facebook. This is similar to the images in the digital world of Neo characters in the sci-fi sci-fi film, which are essentially blue lines of code.

In addition, based on Facebook's face recognition technology (this technology has been put into use by the company since 2017), AI can also identify whose faces in the photo are.

Picture 2 of The incident that failed to load the image yesterday revealed how AI Facebook reads user image data
AI can accurately identify who is in the photo.

Facebook for AI to identify users' photos is not simply a classification but it also has other money-making purposes, that is advertising. Through photos that users share, Facebook can know the information that users do not disclose. For example, what kind of sport do you play, where do you travel, do you have pets .

Picture 3 of The incident that failed to load the image yesterday revealed how AI Facebook reads user image data
The AI ​​does not always identify correctly, sometimes there is confusion when it is impossible to distinguish the picture behind and the real one.

Only from a small incident what is behind Facebook has been revealed and shows us that artificial intelligence has grown to the point of being able to accurately identify what's in a photo.

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Update 05 July 2019


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