your internet router is arguably the most important part of your home or office network. and whether you realize it or not, it has a lot of features that you can take advantage of.

to get the best performance from your wi-fi, you can do more than just place your router near your gadgets. if you have multiple users at home or play resource-intensive video

if you are using a wifi router, wifi extender or usb wifi made in 2015 or earlier, it may be time to ditch it and buy a new one. because your device is too old and can be hacked

wi-fi routers are familiar wi-fi routers and broadcasters in the family. however, not everyone knows how to distinguish and choose the right type of router to use.

some people believe that turning on the wifi router constantly will make the device quickly fail, waste power and vulnerable to attack. however, most users say it's not really

netgear orbi rbk50 ac3000 mesh router system has appeared and can provide high speed wifi for a large house. a dedicated channel from the router to the orbi extension helps

wireless routers are being used in almost every corner of the world today. the best wireless router will ensure your network connections are strong and reliable.

probably when using wi-fi indoors, you often encounter cases where some of the house catches wi-fi waves but is very weak or even unable to catch wi-fi. let's learn how to do

cisco systems cisco connect utility helps establish a fast wi-fi network connection in 'wink', in just 3 simple steps.

if the router currently in use is more than 2 years old, you should probably consider changing the new one. but whether you choose to buy any router, choose the one that supports

in this article we will give you some tips on choosing the best router for your needs.

if you are looking for a cheap wifi router, take a look at the following list of 7 best router devices 2018!

consumer wireless routers have many types depending on the wifi broadcast range. routers have a stronger wifi signal that allows devices to connect to higher speeds from larger

whether computers can catch wi-fi is stable and good depends a lot on wi-fi transmitters. the transmitter has quality, the signal transmission speed is guaranteed.

asus has just introduced a wifi router called rt-n56u with ultra-slim design and a glossy black look.

it's nice to know which device is 'struggling' to connect to your network.