creating a conducive environment for technology infrastructure management takes a lot of organization and planning.

the corona virus is causing a serious impact on both the supply chain and the needs of users, forcing apple to think about delaying the launch of iphone 12.

there is no need to use depth-sensor sensors like the iphone, this technology can still easily capture and animation of user movements without skipping.

as both wuhan and hubei city were blocked by the corona virus outbreak, the yangtze memory factory - representing the voice of the chinese chip industry - still received special

since the end of january, apple has evaporated more than $ 350 billion.

according to reuters. this order can be signed as early as january.

microsoft is currently priced at $ 753 billion, while alphabet (google's parent company) is worth $ 739. thanks to that, microsoft is currently the third highest value company in

the names of brands often contain special meaning in writing or reading. it is noteworthy that many users often read the brand names by habit or based on words similar to the

on thursday, linkedin announced an annual list of companies that many want to work most in the us, completely dominated by technology companies.

recently, thomson reuters corp. announced the list of 'top 100 global technology companies', led by microsoft.

the name 'steve jobs' can mean a lot, especially without copyright registration.

in this article there will be a lot of technology-related questions so you can try your knowledge on the issues surrounding it.

ma huateng (ma hua dang) was born on october 29, 1971, also nicknamed pony ma, a chinese business magnate, investors, philanthropists, engineers and entrepreneurs about the

jeffrey jeff weiner (born february 21, 1970 in new york city, usa) is an american businessman. he is the ceo (ceo) of linkedin, a social networking site related to business.

while steve jobs and richard branson are mastering the business world at the age of 25, others try to make a turning point in their careers.