US President Donald Trump considered banning Huawei and ZTE products

According to Reuters. This order can be signed as early as January.

According to Reuters. This ban can be signed as early as January.

The White House is considering issuing an executive order early next year to limit the use of technology products from two of the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturers as well as businesses in the United States. China is Huawei and ZTE.The US accuses the two Chinese technology firms of being able to follow the orders of the country's government, so their devices can be used to spy on US citizens.Reports also added that the ban will most likely be issued as a "state of emergency", enough to see Donald Trump's tough policy for public companies. technology in particular and in the fierce trade war with the world's second largest economy in general.

US President Donald Trump considered banning Huawei and ZTE products Picture 1US President Donald Trump considered banning Huawei and ZTE products Picture 1

Specifically, responding in a press conference last Thursday, Mr. Trump said that the decree had been carefully considered for more than 8 months, and US lawmakers found that it was possible It will be issued as early as January 2019. The Act will allow the US Department of Commerce to prevent these companies from buying and selling and using equipment from foreign telecommunications manufacturers believed to be brings about national security risks, including a number of companies from Mainland China, most notably Huawei and ZTE.

Currently, the White House, ZTE and Huawei have not yet responded to press requests.

Both ZTE and Huawei are in the sights of the US government because these two manufacturers are said to have received great guidance and support from the Chinese government and are able to use their equipment. I am following the American people.In a related development, Huawei's CFO Ms. Wanzhou Meng was arrested in Canada in early December and was at risk of facing extradition to the United States for imprisonment for violations. US sanctions, deliberately doing business with Iran.

US President Donald Trump considered banning Huawei and ZTE products Picture 2US President Donald Trump considered banning Huawei and ZTE products Picture 2

According to Reuters, although it is likely that it will not name Huawei or ZTE personally, US Department of Commerce officials explain it is an authorization to limit the widespread use of the two companies' equipment. this.The source also said that specific documents for this decree have not been finalized.

Earlier, in August, Mr. Trump also signed a bill banning the US government and their contractors from buying a number of video and telecommunications surveillance equipment from ZTE, Huawei and some other Chinese media companies. National.

Currently large wireless networks in the US such as Verizon, AT & T . are actively looking for alternative partners as a move to prepare the next mobile network is 5G amid a government ban is about to be issued, because the upcoming decree is likely to follow the defense policy bill issued in August, banning the US government from using Huawei and ZTE devices.

However, in the US, new rural operators are among the largest customers of Huawei and ZTE.The upcoming ordinance, if issued, will also require these firms to abandon the two manufacturers' equipment without compensation.As for the possibility of the government having the legal right to force the network to do so or not, it is still a big question mark.

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