the built-in isinstance () function in python checks whether an object is an instance or a subclass of classinfo.

the built-in function id () in python returns a single integer value that identifies an object.

python's built-in input () function allows users to enter data, convert it into a string, and return the entered content.

the built-in function type () in python returns the type of object passed as parameter.

the print () function in python works to display the screen magic when the program executes.

the hasattr () function in python is used to check if the input object has the property you want to find.

the int () function in python returns an integer object from any number or string.

the getattr () function in python returns the value of the property you want to find, if the object does not have this property the function will return the default value provided.

the globals () function in python returns a dictionary containing the variables defined in the global namespace.

list () creates a list in python. so what is the syntax of list () function, what parameters does it have and how to use it? invites you to read the track.

the built-in function tuple () in python is used to create a tuple.

in python, the complex () function returns a complex number when the user provides a virtual and real part, or turns a string into a complex number. how does the complex ()

the compile () function returns a code object in python from the specified source. so how to use compile () function? please find out in this article.

the delattr () function in python is used to delete an attribute from the specified object. how does the delattr () function have a syntax, what parameters do you have, please

in python, the dict () function creates a dictionary type value. quantrimang will learn more about the syntax, parameters and usage of the dict () function through this article.

the dir () function in python returns a list of valid properties of the object. quantrimang will learn more about this function content through the article. invites you to read

learn more about the syntax, parameters and usage of the built-in divmod () function in python with quantrimang.

the hex () function is one of python's built-in functions, used to convert an integer into the corresponding hexadecimal form.

the exec () function used to execute python programs dynamically can be string or object code. how does exec () function syntax, what parameters do it have, and how is it used?

in python, the chr () function returns a character (a string) from an integer that represents the unicode of the returned character.