Search results: materials

mobile phones turn the dream of thousands of miles into reality. cars and motorcycles appear satisfied with the desire to travel. laptops create a great revolution in technology

carbon and wood combine with one of ryan cargo's curvy bikes.

an international team of researchers designed a new nanomaterial that could be used to create more effective catalytic converters that reduce car pollution.

in a new project, a group of leading quantum physicists with an insight into images such as mri scanning, will test for the first time and develop new technologies for biological

a small 3d structure has been successfully built, capable of mimicking the full characteristics of the lungs that allow scientists to study and experiment in a lab environment.

researchers from rice university, university of london and the field museum have found the first direct evidence that glass is produced in saharan africa before europeans come, a

scientists have for the first time turned diamond into graphite by using ultra-short ultraviolet rays of x-rays.

the nexus-innovation project fund, leading the industry-academy, is developing innovative materials for lithium-ion batteries.

scientists believe that a new material, known as a scintillator, will expand the search for dark matter. the new analysis shows that the scintillator material is sensitive to dark

after intensifying efforts to move to producing more sustainable materials in 2015, the veteran plastic supplier lego is fulfilling that promise and will offer a new eco-friendly

a vanderbilt group led by professor doug adams is testing a new thermoplastic called elium.

yale university researchers have developed a 2deg system on gallium arsenide, a semiconductor that is effective at absorbing and emitting light.