iranian officials confirmed that the stuxnet worm infested at least 30,000 pcs running windows in the country ...

with the name p2p worm - they are mainly spread through peer-to-peer sharing models like kazaa, grokster, edonkey, fasttrack, gnutella ...

in the list of the 100 most dirty websites of 2009 that symantec listed, most of them are fake antivirus software websites.

the malware tricked users into installing and paying for fake anti-virus software without cleaning the computer, nor protecting it against viruses.

'viruses belonging to the w32.dashfer family when infected with a pc will cause the victim to visit any site thinking the site has been maliciously inserted'. in fact, the virus

a group of german research experts announced that they had found a solution against the malicious storm computer worm that turned pcs into 'bots' to help hackers spread malicious

according to security expert dancho danchev, hackers are opening a 'total attack' campaign aimed at the internet, with the number of web sites being shot up to more than 1 million.

msn messenger's instant messaging service network is currently undergoing a new wave of attacks from the dangerous trojan ircbot-rb. ircbot-rb trojan is often distributed through

sophos has just discovered a halloween spam campaign that will attack and direct victims to malicious websites that have 'dangerous' files. spam emails can be easily identified

hackers have just launched a 'talking' trojan that can give users a sarcastic voice when it successfully infects their pc.

security firm sophos labs recommends that users be careful with funny flash clips that appear on the internet, which could be the source of trojan infection on your pc.

the trojan is responsible for controlling users' computers to form huge cyber-computer networks (botnets). security experts confirmed that the number of malicious e-mail increased

a fake garbage campaign provides information about the new 'pirates of the caribbean' movie to spread a newly launched trojan. in terms of content, the above spam messages are

british security firm sophos has released a list of 10 most dangerous malicious codes in march 2007. accordingly, the leading position belongs to a very old name - netsky.

security firm mcafee warns that malicious code is currently on the way to prepare to reach a new level of complexity and professionalism. not only the malicious code and adware

sophos security experts say they have discovered a new computer worm that specializes in potentially dangerous mobile drives. once infected on the pc the sillyfd-aa worm will

sophos has announced the list of the most dangerous and distributed malicious code in april. last month saw a number of new names appear and dominate the rankings.

secure computing warns of 'storm' storm worm has begun to return to raging the blogger community and global forum since february 26. storm worm began to emerge last month and

british security firm sophos has announced the list of top 10 most dangerous malware in february. accordingly, the first position belongs to a brand new name. that name belongs to

sophos has announced the list of top 10 most malicious and distributed malware in december 2006. accordingly, even though it has just appeared, the 'happy new year' worm has