Search results: iphone screen

have you ever had your iphone screen automatically light up or darken in an 'unusual' way, causing a lot of discomfort?

-if you only have 2 or 3 screens of iphone apps, swiping back and forth shouldn't be a problem. but if you have more, you will need this fun task.

although the new iphone se is still equipped with haptic touch, it is disabled by apple for the ability to extend notifications on the lock screen and in the notification center.

whether the functions of the sensors work well depend almost entirely on the touch screen of the device, but usually, problems with the screen are easy to handle, just by cleaning

your iphone screen, ipad display unusual colors? this situation may be due to a hardware error, but it may also be due to a software error, and you can fix it in a few ways.

apple is using a secret facility in california to develop microled displays for apple watch and iphone, bloomberg reports with plans to replace oled screens in the next few years.

the plan to diversify to not depend on samsung, as a supplier of display screens for the iphone, is having problems.