researchers have just announced a breakthrough in lithium battery technology that extends battery life by up to 750%.

uniquely and creatively, it is undeniable that the land of funan always thinks of the most bizarre things in the world.

if you are considering organizing a picnic, here are 10 great inventions for a cool summer day. invite you to consult!

although it is just a middle school student, not yet 12 years old, these 3 girls already have world-class inventions, making the lives of many people better.

historically, humans have invented some strange objects such as sleeping awnings, swim masks, freckleproof robes ... that we can hardly imagine today.

thomas edison was a great inventor with 1093 patents registered in his name in the world. our modern life depends very much on his inventions such as electric lights, recorders,

thanks to the power of science and technology, in 2016 humans created many breakthrough inventions from super-fast transport vehicles to high-level artificial intelligence.

looking for personality for the stones, the sex of the mouse changes when wearing pants, using fake legs to live like goats ... is the ig nobel prize-winning invention and research

things seemingly newly invented by modern humans such as concrete, dye, nanotubes ... were actually created and used by ancient people thousands of years ago. in which, there are

matches, steam engines for warships, bills, guns ak - 47 ... are important inventions that contribute to changing the world but their father hardly gets anything or very little

the table can double the area in seconds, super smooth coating, invisible helmets, foldable toilets, ... are some of those unique inventions.

this water bottle can produce low moisture water anywhere by filtering the moisture in the air.

boiling water is the easiest way to remove parasites, bacteria that help you get safe drinking water. when traveling, to boil water we often have to bring a kettle or a pretty

telecom company ericsson has partnered with swedish public transport and public service providers to conduct a six-month trial with two electric vehicles running self-propelled on

let's learn about bees of the new era: plan bee robots pollinate flowers below!

here is a list of the best inventions in 2018, belonging to many different areas such as technology, health, sports, food, entertainment ..., have a good influence and help your