The magic vase kept 'drinking up'!

This water bottle can produce low moisture water anywhere by filtering the moisture in the air.

This water bottle can produce low moisture water anywhere by filtering the moisture in the air. This is the product of a small start-up company from California named Fontus.

This miraculous water bottle works on the principle of condensation , like the phenomenon of leaving a glass of cold water out of the refrigerator, the steam in the air condensing outside into a cup.

The magic vase kept 'drinking up'! Picture 1The magic vase kept 'drinking up'! Picture 1

Fontus uses solar energy for condensers (acts as a chiller), connecting to a wide range of water-free surfaces. When these surfaces are cooled, water will condense on it.

Fontus can create half a liter of water within 1 hour, in " ideal conditions " - temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius, humidity 80-90%.

This invention is arguably one of the solutions to the current scarcity of clean water in the world.

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